Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Company's giving us less and less paying more and more

Tell me why do we continue to support company's like this that charge us 5.99 for a bottle of Super Glue that say's you get 20 grams 0.71oz. when in fact the bottle is less then 1/4 full. don't get me wrong the product is great but why are you charging us over six bucks for a bottle of glue that is less then half full? you can go to any store that sell's this product and all of the bottle quantity are the same amounts. this is such a reap off of the consumer. for years we as consumers keep getting less and less in product quantity and paying more and more from a bag of potato chips to a box of cereal. until these half packing product company's start fulling it up! you won't be getting my hard earn money any more. and until we wake up as a Nation and stand up for the Injustice in the way company's do business and stop buying their products. we will continue to get less and less and pay more and more.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cable TV service

did you know that you are being charged by direct TV when their service is down, I never had a problem with comcast cable. but due to where I live direct TV is the only service I can get, I can't wait to drop these guys. if you all want to hurt direct TV when ever you service is down call them when it comes back on and make them give you credit for all that time you had no TV service, they have to give you credit. and if enough people would do that just think how much money they would lose! then maybe this company will get there act together.